deep woods

美 [diːp wʊdz]英 [diːp wʊdz]
  • 网络森林深处
deep woodsdeep woods
  1. His house was tucked away in the deep woods .


  2. So do not go into deep woods without a gun .


  3. To be truly free of the possible of surveillance , this man has to take a hike in the deep woods !


  4. It was mighty cool and shady in the deep woods even if the sun was blazing outside .


  5. The deep woods are king here , although small human communities have carved out farming villages , and groups of hunters and trappers venture into the forest to make a living .


  6. Filled with Fairies , Elves , Talking Animals , Wicked Stepmothers , Bad Witches , Fairy Godmothers , Princes And Damsels in distress , reflecting the challenges of the day to today lives , these enchanting characters , from the dark and deep woods , are for most part , damsels ( deeply in distress of course ! ) .


  7. On the other side he could look down into deep green woods .


  8. Following them deep into the woods , probably not .


  9. Deep in the woods , this truck is taken back by nature .


  10. Deep in the woods , where no one would see him , he 'd come to feed .


  11. All alone in the deep , dark woods .


  12. The tiger carried Mr Raju deep into the woods .


  13. He walked deep into the woods .


  14. He threw the ball deep into the woods and the dog chased after it quickly .


  15. But when their own human son recovers , the mother abandons David deep in the woods .


  16. Deep in the woods , the macaques hunt insects still sluggish after a cool mountain night .


  17. When those patterns break down as when a hiker stumbles across an easy chair sitting deep in the woods , as if dropped from the sky the brain gropes for something , anything that makes sense .


  18. Not to be confused with The Hollow , Hallow , or ( God forbid ) The Gallows , this low-key but eminently creepy offering from the UK focuses on a family deep in the woods who must contend with something ...


  19. But neither was he yet a transcendent & not one of those sages who live deep in the unexplored woods , fully realized .


  20. But neither was he yet a transcendent - not one of those sages who live deep in the unexplored woods , fully realized .


  21. Deep In the back woods of Tennessee , a hillbilly 's wife went into labor in the middle of the night , and the doctor was called out to assist in the delivery .


  22. Deep in the past ; deep in enemy territory ; deep in the woods ; a deep space probe .
